Esta semana, la Sra. Hernández continuará con sus talleres DIBELS para todos los grados. No se pierda la maravillosa oportunidad de trabajar codo a codo con su estudiante para apoyarlo en sus exámenes estatales. Todos los padres recibirán una carta, no se olviden de firmarla y devolvérsela al maestro de su hijo indicando si planea asistir.
Tenga en cuenta que el taller de HOY para 3er grado ha sido POSPUESTO para el miércoles 2 de noviembre.
This week, Ms. Hernandez will continue her DIBELS workshops for all grade levels. Don't miss the wonderful opportunity to work side by side with your student to support them on their state testing. All parents will receive a letter, don't forget to sign and return it to your child's teacher noting if you plan on attening.
Please note that TODAY's workshop for 3rd grade has been POSTPONED to Wednesday, November 2nd.
Tenga en cuenta que el taller de HOY para 3er grado ha sido POSPUESTO para el miércoles 2 de noviembre.
This week, Ms. Hernandez will continue her DIBELS workshops for all grade levels. Don't miss the wonderful opportunity to work side by side with your student to support them on their state testing. All parents will receive a letter, don't forget to sign and return it to your child's teacher noting if you plan on attening.
Please note that TODAY's workshop for 3rd grade has been POSTPONED to Wednesday, November 2nd.